Stella description

As a child I learned to draw stars.
Many children do. And it is a practical thing in case you have to decorate a night sky…
The pattern is simple. It is made in one unbroken line and it is done rather quickly. From left horizontally to the right, from here in an upwards diagonal direction, down, up and back down to your starting point. The result is a five-sided star.
My project took the name from this star.

The foundation is five empty building sites, – lots that I acquired in 2005 (under the influence of anti-depressants). All the sites were bought from different owners whom I visited, and they have all been empty since their parcellation in the beginning of the ’70s. For more than 30 years. They are quite big, between 2255 and 3903 square meters. One is during winter time a swamp, two of them have become little woods with huge trees, and two appears savannah-like with tall grass, thickets and shrubs.
They are beautiful.
But they also contain an intrinsic dream that no longer is. Not necessarily the same dream but a dream that broke. Whether they were originally acquired on speculative purpose, whether as a wish for building a summer cottage, the dream did not come true.
If you look at them on a map or an aerial photography and connect the lots with the star of your childhood, you will – with a little good intention – discover a five-sided star.
It is leaning a bit, – some, actually. But it is beautiful.
And in it I have now parked some of my dreams.

Stella I and II
Stella I and II are parts of the Stella project.
Regarding the motifs the photo series refer – as is the case of much of what I have made so far – to my earlier works.
Fragments of earlier works brought together in a new context.
I choose what I want to show, – even in details, and what is to be shown together and in which connection this is to be exhibited.
I am in control…
The difference between the two parts of the series, Stella I and Stella II is, as I see it, not significant.
Stella I represents the first and original thought that came to my mind: I would like to see my works displayed in trees. I would also like to see my works displayed on the small slopes produced by the sea as it eats the marsh.
(This is where the Stella project is brought into the picture, fore the locality is my building sites and the beach in Northern Jutland).
In Stella II the original idea has developed into involving also other scenarios around the lots as well as activities linked to the building sites.

Link to description in Danish:
The Stella Project:
Stella I + II: